Howto uninstall techsmith snagit
Howto uninstall techsmith snagit

howto uninstall techsmith snagit

In a short time we installed 3 major versions of the popular program SnagIt (the last version 8, the last version 9 and the latest version 10 at this moment). In the same time, we want a thorough uninstall, of course. When we have a such case on our computer the ideal uninstaller must not get confused and uninstall more than it should, affecting other programs.

howto uninstall techsmith snagit

This happens when we install several similar programs for evaluation or when we install a trial version of a new major version of a program that We concentrated on the cases when the user has installed 2 or more similar programs or different major versions of a program. However, when this is specified then it is about important improvements. Improvements in the analysis algorithm of the "Installed programs" functional module are present in every release. In the Total Uninstall release history page, there are many "Improvements in the installation analyzer" entries. With the above information or by using tools like Security Task Manager you can determine if, in your case, the file is an undesirable variant.Accurate analysis - program data files and program settings stored in registry Introduction It's a fact that many trojans try to cloak their true identity by calling themselves TscHelp.exe. If you see this file on your hard drive or in Windows Task Manager, please make sure that it is not a malicious variant. The probability that it can cause harm is high. The file does not supply any version information or other description.įor this reason, 24% of all experts consider this file to be a possible threat. The program executes in the background, and can only be terminated using Windows Task Manager.

howto uninstall techsmith snagit

You may uninstall the related program using Windows Control Panel. The file is no part of Microsoft Windows. TscHelp.exe is found in a subdirectory of "C:\Program Files".įrequently occurring are file sizes such as 46,080 bytes (60% of all these files), 94,608 bytes or, as the case may be, 94,024 bytes. TscHelp.exe is not part of Windows, but it is important nonetheless.

howto uninstall techsmith snagit

What you should know about TscHelp.exe TechSmith HTML Help Helper

Howto uninstall techsmith snagit